D 709 3/5/4/1 - Group of papers: personal papers and information on European elections - Oct 1983-Jun 1984

Group of loose papers relating to the 1984 European elections, including:


Group of loose papers relating to the 1984 European elections, including:

  • copy of `draft regulations for the selection of prospective European Parliamentary candidates' Oct 1983
  • papers concerning organisation of joint Liberal Party/SDP Euro-campaign including copy letter from David Owen to David Steel concerning the text regarding nuclear weapon policy for the joint Liberal Party/SDP platform for the European elections, with copy of the text annotated by David Owen; draft of motion concerning joint selection of SDP/Liberal Party parliamentary and European parliamentary candidates, annotated by David Owen; copy of `Euro-elections progress report' concerning SDP/Liberal negotiations in organising Alliance European election campaign, with annotations by David Owen; MS `Brief for European election team' on joint Liberal Party and SDP selection of candidates
  • items of reference information on the European elections including copies of Labour and Conservative Party manifestos, paper on `The political groups in the European Parliament'; copy of the ITN Fact book for the elections
Date:Oct 1983-Jun 1984
Reference Number:D 709 3/5/4/1