CON - Records of Convocation - 1905-1988
Comprises signed minutes, agendas and reports, annual reports, register of members and attendance and receipt book
Archive level description: | Sub-fonds |
Physical Description: | 7 series |
Languages: | English |
Subjects: |
Summary: | Comprises signed minutes, agendas and reports, annual reports, register of members and attendance and receipt book |
Date: | 1905-1988 |
Reference Number: | CON |
Access Conditions: | Access is open to bona fide researchers unless otherwise stated. |
Arrangement: | Arranged into seven sections:
Related Material: | In the Special Collections and Archives Searchroom Reference Library are volumes of copies of printed agenda papers (including Minutes and Reports of the Standing Committee) for 1938-40, 1946-54 and 1968-1982; and loose annual reports 1966, 1967 and 1983-1988.Among non-current records transferred to the University Records Centre are printed copies of Convocation minutes and reports within the period 1926 onwards (see Union Card Index). |
Separated Material: | It is presumed that later minute books are held by the Clerk of Convocation. |
Biographical/Administrative Information: | Under the terms of Clause XIII of the Letters Patent of 20 April 1880 which founded the federal Victoria University (of which University College, Liverpool, became a constituent member in November 1884) provision was made for a Convocation of the University consisting of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Professors, Lecturers and registered Graduates of the University (see text as published in the University's Calendars). While listing the records of the federal Victoria University at the University of Manchester in 1972 Mr Adrian Allan, Assistant Archivist, came across no records of the Convocation. Under the terms of Clause 14 of Letters Patent of 15 July 1903 which incorporated the University of Liverpool, provision was made for a Convocation consisting of the Graduates whose names are on the University Roll and allowing the Convocation to have representatives in the Court, Statutes prescribing the functions etc of Convocation (see Statutes 19 and 20 in Calendar 1903-1904, p59). The terms of Clause 19 of the supplemental Letters Patent of 1 August 1961 provide for a Convocation consisting of the duly registered graduates and such other persons as the Statutes may prescribe (see Statutes 29 and 30 in Calendar 1978-79, pp.35-6) and are otherwise similar, but not identical to those in the 1903 Letters Patent. |